Refer your patients to us today

The Doctors and nurses at Grow Medical Group can support you during pregnancy providing you the highest quality care. Appointments are generally four weekly until 32 weeks, then every two weeks. You have multiple options for care, depending on your personal and health needs.

These include;
Shared Care Public Services – Appointments alternate with public care from 28 weeks gestation
Shared Care Private Services – Appointments alternate from 20 weeks gestation
Full  Care until Delivery (with 2-3 visits to the public hospital) – all appointments at grow medical group, with booking and delivery appointments at hospital
Early Pregnancy Care Only – we can refer you early to pregnancy support to your chosen public or private services

Book Now

Make an appointment to see us at Grow Medical Group
2 Boomerang Loop, Banksia Grove
WA 6031 Australia
Phone - 08 6202 8274
Fax - 08 6202 8275
After Hours -
Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm
Saturday: 9am-12pm
Sunday: Closed